Peterson Reference Guide to Owls of North America and the Caribbean


Table of Contents


Spectacled owl, Honduras (©Kevin Loughlin/Wildside Nature Tours)How to Use This Book                                            1

SPECIES ACCOUNTS                                             21

Barn Owl                                                                   22

Ashy-faced Owl                                                        33

Flammulated Owl                                                    37

Western Screech-Owl                                              46

Eastern Screech-Owl                                                57

Balsas Screech-Owl                                                  71

Pacific Screech-Owl                                                  74

Whiskered Screech-Owl                                          79

Bearded Screech-Owl                                              87

Vermiculated Screech-Owl                                     91

Puerto Rican Screech-Owl                                      95

Bare-legged Owl                                                      99

Crested Owl                                                              102

Spectacled Owl                                                         106

Great Horned Owl                                                   111

Snowy Owl                                                               126

Northern Hawk Owl                                               143

Northern Pygmy-Owl                                            152     

Colima Pygmy-Owl                                                   163

Tamaulipas Pygmy-Owl                                         166     

Central American Pygmy-Owl                              169

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl                                       172

Cuban Pygmy-Owl                                                 181

Elf Owl                                                                       184

Burrowing Owl                                                        193

Mottled Owl                                                              204

Black-and-white Owl                                               209     

Spotted Owl                                                              213

Barred Owl                                                                224

Fulvous Owl                                                             235

Great Gray Owl                                                        238

Long-eared Owl                                                       251     

Stygian Owl                                                              262

Short-eared Owl                                                       267

Striped Owl                                                               276

Jamaican Owl                                                            282

Boreal Owl                                                                286

Northern Saw-whet Owl                                        298

Unspotted Saw-whet Owl                                      311


Acknowledgments                                                  319

Glossary                                                                    321

General Bibliography                                              325

Index                                                                          331